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This spreadsheet contains ratings, short reviews and even shipping times. It also contains a good amount of exclusive items.
Under these circumstances, it could even be appreciated that it isn't the biggest spreadsheet.
CSSBuy Spreadsheet by Reptastic is a moderately sized spreadsheet, housing 258 rows.
While it has 134 items not found elsewhere, this number pales in comparison to truly unique spreadsheets. It's a mixed bag.
This means more than half the items in this spreadsheet are unique, 52%. This is a very good number, considering that you can't prevent others from stealing from your spreadsheet, which will pull down your number of unique items.
This spreadsheet is pretty much free of duplicates, which shows that the maker pays attention and is trying to make an actually good spreadsheet, that's not padded to make it look like more than it actually is.
Considering these aspects of size, uniqueness and duplicate prevention, we give CSSBuy Spreadsheet by Reptastic the following rating
Added to the JadeShip Index: 8/30/2023
Last update: 2/17/2025
We currently don't offer a static view of the items, that you could browse.
If you want to utilize this spreadsheet, we recommend the spreadsheet search, which automatically handles de-duplication and also includes all the other Pandabuy spreadsheets, which will give you much better results.